Wednesday, September 7, 2022

It's a dare (why I use bright colors)

Given the brightly colored spray paints I often use, you might be surprised to learn that I'm really afraid of color.  In response, I find that I am drawn to paint using colors that seem like they will be difficult to use effectively.  Originally that was a metallic paint.  It seemed like it would be difficult to make a piece that could be considered "serious" artwork when metallic was one of the main components.  Now almost all of my paintings have at least some metallics in them.  When I first started using fluorescent pink, it was at least partly due to the pull of finding a way to use it.  Now I find those pinks everywhere in nature and combining fluorescent pink with bright green, turquoise and canary yellow in palatable combinations is almost a dare that I can't refuse and might be the best parts of any of my pieces.


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