Wednesday, July 6, 2022

How to make your kid an artist.

My early artwork 

painted on fabric and quilted

(age 7)

 Last week a studio visitor asked if any of my children are artists and I've been thinking about it ever since.  What makes an artist?  Most young children love to draw and paint.  When I look at my own artwork from my childhood, I'm not sure you could look at it and think it had any promise.  I think what really makes an artist is persistence.  Though the early attempts might not be exciting (even when compared with same age peers), if they have an unquenchable desire to keep trying- you might be raising an artist.  I firmly believe that anyone can become an artist if they are willing to keep trying long enough and grow a thick enough skin to take feedback and make the necessary changes to get better.  So if you think your child might be on this path, keep encouraging even their most simple attempts.  I'm ever grateful that my mom did. 


P.S. In case you are still reading (and wondering)- I have at least two children that are artists.

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