Friday, March 14, 2008

My Little Guy

I am here at the hospital waiting to be sent home (tonight is not the night - we don't think). I just realized that pretty soon I will not be able to say things like "my little guy" and only be speaking of one person. I have really enjoyed his babyhood and he is still a lot of fun. I enjoyed the girls too, I worry sometimes that maybe I didn't enjoy them as babies as much as I could have... probably just that Ollie was a baby more recently so it is on my mind more. I do think I am enjoying my whole family more as I mature though. I can hardly wait to hold our newest addition in my arms...this excitement level on my part is not something I remember from previous pregnancies.

It seems like we have been anticipating this so long. I am sure it seems even longer to Charlotte. She has mentioned that it takes her a few years to forget how awful the whole pregnancy thing is for her, and this time she was willing to get right back into that condition with just a few week's lull right after some of her worst sickness just before losing the other baby. I know some of the emotional aspects of that were even harder. That whole situation hit me harder than I expected too. Maybe I am paying closer attention this time since this is "the last time we are doing this!" So I have been informed anyway.

Nice of her to say "we", but I think so far "this" has been a lot harder on some of us then others. About the hardest thing I have had to do so far- Thank so much everyone for all the help!- is take the kids to church by myself a few times. Usually, I have even had help getting them ready which would have been the hardest part, I am sure, if I was doing that myself every time. Amazingly Oliver has actually started staying on our bench all through Sacrament Meeting without having to be reminded not to go visiting. He has also been enjoying primary, though he does still mention missing nursery periodically. Usually he claims he just misses the "babies in there" and lists them. I think only one of those "babies" he is listing was ever "in there" at the same time he was. He always identifies all the other babies in interesting ways, usually by the sibling closest to his age. Though there is one little boy he identifies as the "funny looking guy". Unfortunately the first time I heard this was right after picking him up at his class in primary. Walking toward the family, Ollie yells out (that's how loud it sounded anyway) "that baby is funny looking " I tried to save it by saying something like, "He is a lot of fun, isn't he." I hope it didn't hurt their feelings.

Last week on his way to class Ollie decided to pull out another embarrassing moment for me. We were walking behind an older member of the ward and as we start to pass him he says, quite loud again," some people stink". I do find it interesting that the man knew immediately that Ollie was speaking of him...


Charlotte said...

He is such a fun little guy. The worst part about his little comments is that they are often true! It's so hard to not just agree and laugh.

Collings Family said...

I loved this post - can't wait to get to know him better. I loved the "some people stink" bit. I was that kind of kid fact, come to think of it I still am that way! Can't wait for you to meet your new little guy.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Oliver makes me laugh out loud. Good thing he's so cute!

Judy Huntzinger said...

OH OLiver... I remember him telling me that going down and sleeping in the "girls room would be just so fun for me," instead of me sleeping in his room... hopefully it had nothing to do with any smells. He did mention one day when I had the car heater really turned high, because I was down to the bone cold in my first days in Utah, he said, "its funky in here" I asked if he was too hot and should I turn down the heat and he said yes... then again hope smell was not considered.