Monday, December 17, 2007


I am Not one of those people who's life revolves around an aspect of pop culture (I hope anyway). I think I see 3, maybe up to 5, movies in theaters in any given year. Pretty much all of these are because my kids desperately want to see them or I am alone in some city with nothing to do and everything is closed when I am done working. I am convinced that most movie experiences have as much to do with the viewers' state of mind as the actual picture. I have been in this Apt for four days straight. I had Charlotte mail me some food. It was taking too much time going out to dinner at night. Dinner is typically my only meal anyway. I've been working from about 7am to 10-11pm. Tonight I finally got to my goal just in time to make it to the 1130pm showing. After that kind of isolation this movie was quite the intense experience, only to be made a little more strange by walking home in a bit of an ice storm on some of the same roads as in the movie. Amazing how deserted this place gets at night with a bit of ice on the roads. I probably need to be a little more careful what movies I watch, since I am already afraid of the dark anyway. Good thing the roads aren't dark or I am not sure I could have made it home


Charlotte said...

Darn... I kind of wanted to see that movie too! I liked that last time we went to see a movie (other than the alarm going off before we left the house). We should do that more often... or just find a way to date!

Stephny said...

That's funny.. We're going to see that movie tonight! Did you like it? Would you recommend it?

Anonymous said...

Kudos to you for going to see a semi-scary movie, and then walking home alone in the dark--I am afraid of the dark, too...well, I am still afraid of most things. I am a big chicken.

Unknown said...

Greg & I would love to see that movie. That is a bit creepy given your situation, however.

Tyler H said...

It was pretty good I thought weird how they got such a big name actor and have him die in like the first 10 minutes - but I guess he is in a few of the flashbacks too. the intricate structures of the animal society is a little extreme too, and the alien tie in is a bit of a stretch but other than that I guess it was great!

Collings Family said...

You are braver than I am...that movie would've scared the CRAP out of me! And I can never watch movies when the animals get hurt. People can die and I don't care, but you mess with a dog and I'm traumatized. Hope you get some more meals into your day!

Judy Huntzinger said...

aaah sounds like I wouldn't enjoy it, I just like things Will Smith has done lately. We will watch Rachel recommendation of the "Painted Veil" tonight. Dad watched it while I was gone and like it alot... same roads as in the movie... oooh.