Little Ollie spent some of the day with me at the studio. He decided he would do a "paining like your's". [mine]
Actually his looks better than any of mine in a few ways.
Also, I love the medium he used for this piece. When we were painting together a few months ago, he dipped his brush in a little deep (think well past his hand at the end of the brush). I cleaned him up and then cleaned the brush and as soon as I got out to the main area from the bathroom, realized he had decied to keep working without me. I think most of the paint was on the floor, but he definitely had plenty on him too, and the 20 or so brushes he was using. The mostly full gallon he was working out of was now mostly empty. I will have to post the "Rabbit" painting for that day sometime. The pens on white-board can only go so wrong.
too cute.
don't you guys have some sort of garage building out back? could that be your studio?
We do have what was once a garage. It has several large holes in th roof some of which I am pretty sure are older than me. There is no power out there in that garage like structure and though the studio isn't heated (or cooled) it rarely get much below freezing in there. In addition to the lack of light I have actually had my paint freeze solid out there. Even in the high 30s the studio maintains for about half the year I have to stay Very active to prevent the literal onset of hypothermia (the biggest problem I have had with low body fat - I am sure you can relate). I don't think I could get much done out there till about June. I'll tell you what- I would traded these winters for your summers any day. I sure hope you move somewhere warm so we finally have an excuse to do the same.
Creativity certainly has its costs. Glad he feels like he can join in, it does take time away from your creativity on the canvas but not on the boy.
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