Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Initial Posting

So I am here in NYC (above picture is out my "bedroom" window in the evening) trying to finish up a job - that keeps expanding, and have finally been unable to resit the urge to start some kind of a blog. Mostly I have been resiting because I know that I would have a very hard time with three aspects that would be important to my feeling in any way successful in this endeavor. There are going to be several others ways that I will fall sort as well. I just don't feel those are very important. Three ways let’s see now I don’t remember them.... I know one was a lack of focus. That one is obviously already kicking in... Oh, and consistency - I probably will make like 5 posts in a day then go months with nothing. Finally the one I feel is maybe the most important, and the one I am sure I will fail most miserably at fighting, is a fairly consistent tend toward the negative. I don’t really think of myself as a pessimist I am not negative by nature I don’t think. I seems to have something to do with writing stuff down and the major effort it take for me to follow one train of thought long enough to try to actually communicate it in writing. Usually by the end of the sentence I am second guessing every aspect of it so much that I often am not able to even leave it in anymore. Somehow the negative stuff makes it through maybe cause it is harder to construe those to be in any way bragging which I am always concerned that I am going to sound like. It is definitely interesting to me that I am much more concerned about sounding like I am bragging that actually bragging. I guess the most obvious of the shortcomings I will that that I do Not feel matter much is grammar -
luckily I have a wife that actually does care about such things so hopefully she will rescue me from some of the most heinous of my grammatical transgressions.

This is my "bedroom". Nice rosewood walls, don't ya think?


Judy Huntzinger said...

Hey, welcome to blogg land
Yes, that is a gorgeous "rosewood" wall !!

Leslie said...

you'll be amazed how theraputic writing just a little bit can be. and once you know people are reading, you'll try to find the bright side of most things. at least that's how i feel. i'd hate to look back and read my blog and just read about all my bad days. so i kind of skip those. :)

Tyler H said...

I sure hope it will get easier to look on the bright side of things. It is nice to see some comments. I was starting to get worried that no one was going to be reading this thing - Kinda funny how much that seems to matter...

Charlotte said...

I miss you so so so so so so much